- 24/11/2022
- 25/11/2022
- 26/11/2022

TAI University School of Arts welcomes you to its first AIE (Art, Research and Education) conference. The mission of this conference is to highlight and study the links between artistic practices, research and higher education teaching. In order to do so, in November 2022 TAI opens its doors and spaces to offer a platform of collaboration between artists/practitioners, professors and researchers from the different artistic disciplines.
The conference will take place in a hybrid way (face-to-face and online) on November 24, 25 and 26, 2022.
AIE offers the possibility of presenting artistic and scientific proposals (in Spanish or English) through various formats: workshops, performance/installations/exhibit, digital gallery, snapchat sessions and academic proposals (full communication or poster).
Conference topics include but are not limited to:
- Artistic Interdisciplinarity
- The Arts as tools for social change
- Art based research
- Art’s education in Higher Education
- The artistic process: Methodologies, experiences and projects
- Employability in the arts
Important Dates and fees
- Proposal submission deadline: May 15 th (inclusive)
- The official language of the conference is Spanish, but proposals can be submitted and presented in Spanish or English.
- Proposals can be for online or face-to-face presentations
- Virtual presentations will need to be sent before November 10th.
- Accepted academic proposals may be published in a conference book of proceedings with ISBN (before March 2023)*
- Accepted installations will be photographed and may be published in a catalog with ISBN (before March 2023)*
- Notifications of acceptance will be made before June 20
- Registration for the conference must be made between June and November 15th:
- “Early Bird” registration June-August: €25
- General registration September-October: €30
- November late registration: €35
*It is important to remember that not all proposals that will be part of the conference will be part of the publication. At the end of the conference there will be a delivery period for the publishing materials that will be peer reviewed for the final selection.
Scientific Committee
William Brent. American University. Computer Musician and Associate Professor of Audio Technology.
Melissa Caminha. Escuela Universitaria ERAM. Payasa, arte-educadora, investigadora y madre. Profesora y coordinadora en el Grado en Artes Escénicas.
Ricard Carbonell. Universidad Complutense. Músico y Cineasta. Contratado Doctor en la UCM.
Tessa Carr. Auburn University. Associate Professor of Theatre and Artistic Director of Mosaic Theatre Company at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama.
Carlos Esbert. Escuela Universitaria de Artes TAI. Cineasta, investigador y Docente.
Liuba González Cid. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Docente e investigadora en Artes escénicas (URJC). Directora de escena y dramaturga.
Ricardo Horcajada. Universidad Complutense. Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Bellas Artes. Autor de diversos artículos, exposiciones y capítulos de libro sobre la aplicación de las prácticas gráficas a la producción de conocimiento.
Lola Martínez. Escuela Universitaria de Artes TAI. Visual researcher, photographer and professor. Specialized in the concept of limit in the two -dimensional image and politics of composition inside the frame.
Nieves Moreno. Escuela Universitaria de Artes TAI. Especialista en cine japonés, docente e investigadora.
Eric O’Connell. Northern Arizona University. Assistant professor, advertisement, corporate and art photographer.
Sara Torres. Escuela Universitaria de Artes TAI. Actriz, investigadora y docente en artes escénicas.
Aga Wielocha. Bern Academy of the Arts. Researcher and collection care professional specialising in contemporary art and a postdoctoral fellow in the research project Activating Fluxus in the Institute Materiality in Art and Culture, Bern Academy of the Arts.
Organizing Committee
Jorge Álvaro. PhD. Escuela Universitaria de Artes TAI. Docente especializado en la fotografía de prensa y documental y la postproducción digital de fotografía y vídeo.
Carlos Martín. PhD. Escuela Universitaria de Artes TAI. Docente especializado en historia, teoría del arte y estética.
Marcos Merino. Escuela Universitaria de Artes TAI. Performer y compositor. Doctorando.
Antonio Villalba. Escuela Universitaria de Artes TAI. Productor, cineasta e investigador. Doctorando especializado en la práctica artística como modelo de investigación.
Submissions' Form
Organizing Institution
Escuela Universitaria de Artes TAI
Grupo: GIAT (Grupo de Investigación Artísticas TAI)
Lodging in Madrid
La Escuela TAI tiene un acuerdo con The Central House en el que nos dan del 5 al 10% de descuento (dependiendo de la temporada) para eventos relacionados con la escuela. (Ver mapa)
También tenemos un acuerdo con VP Jardín Recoletos para un 10% de descuento en la reserva de habitaciones para eventos relacionados con la escuela. Código de descuento: CPRCTAIARS.