Teachers virginia burgos

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Teachers virginia burgos
Virginia Burgos | Teachers

Virginia Burgos

Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking




Degree in Psychology from the University of Seville
Degree in Interpretation from the Superior School of Dramatic Art of Seville
Graduated in Playwriting from the Royal School of Dramatic Art
Master in General Health Psychology

Career path

He has worked in different fields of mental health and, as a complement to his training, he studies Psychology of Artistic Interpretation, studies focused on psychological intervention in the sector.

After passing through RESAD, he publishes his tragedy Ellis and becomes part of the Association of Playwrights, with which he works regularly at the International Playbook Salon.

In screenwriting he has trained with different professionals such as Yolanda Barrasa, Isa Sánchez or Daniel Tubau.

In 2021 his short film script was released argumosa11 at the Malaga Festival after receiving help to create the same festival.

Currently, he is developing a personal company project to start turning his work Ten days, with which he has represented RESAD at the Festival International Des Ecoles Supérieures d'Art Dramatique. In parallel, she works as a psychologist in a private clinic.

Subjects and workshops

Conflicts and Psychology of Characters

Awards, mentions and recognitions

Award for best novel script at the III ABCGuionistas International Short Film Script Contest with the work "Matices". Finalist in the first edition of the same contest with the work "Microsistema".

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