Teachers Ricardo Padilla

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Teachers Ricardo Padilla
Teachers Placeholder 1

Ricardo Padilla

Music and Sound Music and Sound Music and Sound Music and Sound


Composition, orchestration and musical production


Master in Composition for Audiovisual Media at the Katarina Gurska Superior Center
Orchestration at Berklee College of Music
Orchestra Direction at Katarina Gurska High School
Studies at the Madrid Royal Conservatory of Music and at the Alcalá de Henares Professional Music Conservatory

Career path

Composer, director, orchestrator, arranger and pianist at Planeta Murphy, as well as pianist, keyboardist and arranger at Movistar+.

He has worked as a piano, improvisation, harmony, composition and combo teacher at El Molino de Santa Isabel, among other schools.

Subjects and workshops

Musical language, ear education and harmony
Music Composition and Arrangements
Musical Performance II: Ensembles

Links of interest

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