Teachers Norma Ruiz

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Teachers Norma Ruiz
Teachers Placeholder 4

Norma Ruiz

Performing Arts Performing Arts Performing Arts Performing Arts




Diploma in Audiovisual and Performing Interpretation from the University School of Arts TAI

Career path

Actress, dancer and singer.

In his last year of the Diploma in Audiovisual and Scenic Interpretation of TAI she had her first opportunity as an actress, participating in the film Party (nominated for a Godoy award). On television, she is known for her role in the acclaimed series I am bea for which she was nominated for Best New Actress by the Union of Actors.

His latest works include series such as Lord, give me patience of ATRESPlayer Premium and the second season of The village, broadcast on Telecinco and available on Amazon Prime Video.

Recently, he has participated in the play dirty wheat, a comedy by David Mamet, directed by Juan Carlos Rubio, with which he has toured throughout Spain. He also appears in series like La que se avecina o The Ministry of Time, and in feature films like The footballers with the director Miguel Ángel Lamata. Also, she starred in the love counter, a play adapted into Spanish by Julián Quintanilla.

She is president of Fundación Voces, an organization that fights against poverty and social exclusion with the transforming force of art, culture and creativity.

Subjects and workshops

Filming and Auditioning

Awards, mentions and recognitions

Nominated for best new actress by the Actors Union for "Yo soy Bea"

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