Teachers Miguel Juan Payan

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Teachers Miguel Juan Payan
Miguel Juan Payan | Teachers

Miguel Juan Payán

Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking


Journalism. Criticism. Literature and writing. Teaching the history of film and television. film analysis


Degree in Journalism from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)

Career path

Editor and critic for the film magazines Acción y ActionCinema. He has collaborated with the Madrid International Film Festival (IMAGFIC) and published articles in the Sunday newspapers Diario 16 and Ya.

He has written film reviews for La Gaceta de los Negocios and has also worked for the magazines Imágenes de Actualidad, Revista de Cine, Cine Nuevo, Manhattan, Pantalla 3 and Academia, edited by the Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of Spain. He was a member of the Board of Directors of the Circle of Cinematographic Writers.

He has published 40 books on film history and analysis: Everything you ever wanted to know about movies, but no one dared to tell (T&B Publishers); George Lucas, the greatest show on earth (J.C. Clementine); Actors Dictionary (JC Editions); biographies on Cary Grant, Marcello Matroianni, Robert Redford, David Lynch, Coppola and Oilver Stone; as well as the book of interviews with Spanish directors Current Spanish cinema (JC Clementine) or The best scenes in movie history (Cacitel).

Collaborate on posts Audiovisual Technologies in the Digital Age y Sequence Analysis 2 (Communication Department of the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid-URJC). Speaker at the Audiovisual Text Analysis Conference (URJC) and at the VI Course on Cinema with Values ​​at the same university. Professor of film history courses at the CAM Regional Library (2008-2017).

Subjects and workshops

History of cinema I

History of audiovisual arts II
film analysis I

Research lines

Journalism. Film and television critic. History and analysis of cinema.

Awards, mentions and recognitions

CEC 2017 Medal of the Circle of Film Writers for journalistic work

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