Teachers Martín Jimenez

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Teachers Martín Jimenez
Martín Jimenez | Teachers

Martín Jiménez

Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking


sound in cinema


Graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)
Diploma in Sound from the School of Cinematography and Audiovisual of the Community of Madrid (ECAM)

Career path

He began his professional career at the renowned La Bocina studio, afterpeñadoing helper roles in movies like La night of 12 years and series like Giants.

Later, he trained as a foley mixer and participated in films such as Deaf o Lost love.

He has been part of the Telson 360 sound team, holding the position of foley mixer in various productions, including films such as The oblivion that we will be, Hasta el cielo or The year of fury and in series like Nasdrovia, The head o The Ministry of Time.

Likewise, he has worked in the musical setting department of the Atresmedia group, managing music for television and advertising content, as well as for Buendía's fiction productions.

At the same time, he has maintained a career as a freelancer, dedicating himself to all areas of sound, from direct sound to mixing in various formats (film, television, advertising, audiobooks and podcast), highlighting clients such as Adidas, Sonora, Banco Santander or Banco Sabadell, among others. .

He is currently launching his own studio and brand El Pertigosaurio, together with his partner Daniel Rincón.

Subjects and workshops

sound production I
sound production II
Direct Sound

Awards, mentions and recognitions

Best Sound Award - Medina del Campo Film Week
Award for best sound awarded to "Mujer sin hijo" by Eva Saiz:
-Direct sound: Anqi He
-Sound editing: Daniel Rincón
-Mixtures: Martín Jimenez

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