Teachers Marc Barea

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Teachers Marc Barea
Teachers Placeholder 2

Marc Barea

Performing Arts Performing Arts Performing Arts Performing Arts


Actor coaching


Graduated in Translation, Interpreting and Applied Languages ​​from the Open University of Catalonia (UOC)

Career path

Multidisciplinary professional, from dubbing actor to accent coach.

His passion for the voice, accents and languages ​​have led him to train in this sector. She discovered phonetics in the degree and since then she has not stopped learning, in person and also self-taught, and is applying to do the MA in Voice Studies: Teaching and Coaching, from the prestigious Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London (CSSD).

As a teaching experience, he is a professional who moves between the personalized coach and classes in educational institutions. Mainly, she gives individual coaching classes to actors/actresses who need professional help to create a specific accent for an audiovisual production.

Subjects and workshops

Vocal tools applied to Screen Acting

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