Teachers Manuel Colmenero

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Teachers Manuel Colmenero
Manuel Colmenero | Teachers

Manuel Colmenero

Music and Sound Music and Sound Music and Sound Music and Sound


Music Production


Studies of Music/Harmony at the Ateneo de Música Moderna de Madrid
Degree in Clinical and Social Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)

Career path

With more than 25 years of experience in the music industry, he is the co-founder and main manager of the Sonobox studios in Madrid.

He has produced artists such as Vetusta Morla, Shinova, Nena Daconte, Eladio y los Seres Queridos, Dardem, The Wheel and the Hammond, Pablo Moreno or Jacob Mey, among many others.

As a sound engineer and mixer, he has worked for numerous artists (Enrique Morente, Camilo Sesto, David Bisbal, India Martínez, etc.), covering all kinds of genres. Winner of the Independent Music Award for Best Production for the album the drift of Vetusta Morla. Many of the productions in which he has collaborated have been multi-platinum, gold disc, and have had numerous Latin Grammy nominations for their sound engineering work.

He combines his work as a producer at Sonobox with teaching, being a mentor and advisor at Melboss Music, a tutor at the Paideia Foundation and a professor at TAI and at the Sae Institute in Madrid.

Subjects and workshops

Production Equipment

Awards, mentions and recognitions

Independent Music Award for the best production for the album "La Deriva" by Vetusta Morla
Nominated for the Latin Grammys for best sound engineer for the album "Otras verdades" by India Martínez

Links of interest

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