Teachers isbel noah

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Teachers isbel noah
isbel noah

Isbel Noa

Music and Sound Music and Sound Music and Sound Music and Sound


Piano, composition, musical direction


Graduated in the specialty of Piano from the Conservatory of Music of the Balearic Islands
Graduated in Choral Conducting from the Amadeo Roldán Conservatory in Havana, Cuba
Master in Teacher Training, specializing in Music from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM)

Career path

Pianist, musical director and teacher. Her versatility has allowed her to be part of various projects: classical music, jazz, Latin, flamenco, pop, large format shows or musical theater.

With extensive experience on stage, he has been part of the Balearic Islands Symphony Orchestra. He has accompanied artists such as Rozalén, Vanesa Martín, Alejandro Sanz, Sole Giménez, Rosana, Celia Cruz, Carlos Baute, India Martínez, Carmen Linares, Marta Sánchez, Franco de Vita, Juan Valderrama or Carlos Rivera, among others.

He has been part of the band on TV shows like The Voice and musicals like West Side Story o Billy Elliot. Currently, he participates as a pianist in Matilda, The Musical.

Subjects and workshops

Project: production of a record
Complementary Piano for Composers

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