Teachers Gonzalo Baz

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Teachers Gonzalo Baz
Gonzalo Baz

Gonzalo Baz

Performing Arts Performing Arts Performing Arts Performing Arts


Interpretation, casting preparation and audiovisual guidelines


Degree in Textual Interpretation from the Royal School of Dramatic Art of Madrid (RESAD)
Degree in Hispanic Philology at the University of Valladolid (UVa)
Degree in Interpretation from the Theater Classroom of the University of Valladolid (UVa)

Career path

TV director and producer, theater director, actor/actress coach in film and TV and acting teacher.

As a director/producer, he has worked on Diagonal TV (Central Market, Shoulder strap), TVE (love in troubled times, The time of José Mota), Zeppelin (The successful Pells), Antenna 3 (18 DRC) or Telemadrid (second of may), Telecinco (I am Bea), among other.

In theater, he has directed works such as The lost bullet (Neverland Company) or Peter Pan (Teatre Educatiu) and has worked on the opening and closing galas of the Almería Film Festival and the Animadrid Festival.

He has been a coach of actors and actresses in series such as love in troubled times and has developed his teaching career in TAI, Nebrija University, Escuela Actores Madrid or Escuela Central de Cine de Madrid, among others.

Subjects and workshops

Acting Training

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