Teachers gabriel alonso

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Teachers gabriel alonso
Gabriel Alonso | Teachers

Gabriel Alonso

Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts Visual Arts


visual arts


Master at Columbia University, New York. CCCP Critical and Conceptual Practices Program (with honors)
“La Caixa” Foundation Postgraduate Fellowship, New York
Graduated in Architecture from the Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)
Graduated in Architecture from the Superior Technical School of Architecture of Madrid (with honors)

Career path

Visual artist trained between Madrid, Berlin and New York.

In 2020 he founded the Institute for Postnatural Studies, a research and creation platform from which to discuss new approaches to artistic practice through political ecology, postnatural aesthetics, and new creation ethics that contribute to the definitive dissolution of the binomial. nature-culture.

His work has been exhibited in different galleries and international exhibitions, such as Matadero (Madrid), John Doe Gallery (New York), IIAF (New York), Poor Media Leuven (Belgium), Mila Gallery (Berlin), among others.

He has been an assistant professor at Barnard College of Columbia University (New York) and at the Master in Advanced Architecture from ETSAM. Likewise, she has given several conferences in different international institutions, museums and universities.

Subjects and workshops

Organization and Business Management

Awards, mentions and recognitions

FAD Award for his publication "Desierto"
Creation Grant from Madrid City Council for his project "La Retina de los Mamíferos"
Graham Foundation for the Fine Arts Scholarships

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