Teachers Cristina Bernal

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Teachers Cristina Bernal
Teachers Placeholder 1

Cristina Bernal

Performing Arts Performing Arts Performing Arts Performing Arts


Musical Theater


Degree in Dramatic Art from the Royal School of Dramatic Art of Madrid (RESAD)
Degree in English Philology from the University of Murcia (UM)

Career path

Actress, singer, musician, director and producer.

Professor of musical theater and head of the Department of International Relations and Mobility at RESAD.

She has worked as an actress, singer and musician at the National Classical Theater Company, Teatro de la Zarzuela, Teatro de la Abadía, Piccolo Teatro di Milano, L'om Imprebis and Yllana.

Creator of her own character, La Bernalina, cupletista with whom for more than twelve years she has been performing her own productions such as Sycalypse now!, The XNUMXth century girl o Clandestine, under the direction of Nacho Sevilla. He has also directed musical theater works such as The musical of musicals or the zarzuela the naughty boy, premiered at the National Auditorium.

Subjects and workshops

Musical Theater

Research lines

Musical theatre, cabaret, music-hall.

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