Teachers Pablo Alonso

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Teachers Pablo Alonso
Pablo Alonso

Pablo Alonso

Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking


Art Direction

Career path

He has made more than 1.000 spots, many of which have been awarded in the main national and international competitions in the advertising sector. He has 5 feature films as an art director, as well as television series, documentaries, video clips, plays, several live shows, graphic design and an endless number of short films.

He has been an art director in films such as Ibizan dream, Alice's names, The Halflings, Tested to the limits, today everything changes, ShrewsIn albis, as well as in short films, among which stand out That is easy, trenches, he is a good boy, The child, Blaumar o Fears.

As an assistant art director, he has worked on Open your eyes, jamie the conqueror, guilty of what y Young Indiana Jones. She has also participated in Ham Ham, The bilingual lover y The long winter of 36.

He has extensive experience both in advertising -Hyundai, Flex, Jazztel, Kas orange, Citroen, Calle 13, Movistar, Burguer King, Fanta, Carrefour, Coca Cola, etc.-, as well as in video clips - Antonio Vega, Virginia Glük, Jose Padilla , Jazz&Other Movies, The Garb, Canteca de Macao, Hard&Trumpet, Babel Ruiz, etc..

Subjects and workshops

Project Development Tutorials

Awards, mentions and recognitions

His work has been recognized with more than 50 national and international awards, including:

Honorable mention for “Trenches” in Suel-R Fuengirola
Honorable mention for “That's Easy” at AICA 98, Madrid
First Prize for Best Short Film at FIBABC (ABC Ibero-American Short Film Festival)
First prize for Gines en Corto, International Short Film Festival
Special Mention for the Art Direction BIFFF Awards Brussels
Golden Sun San Sebastian Festival
Selection Cannes Film Festival

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