Teachers Luis Felipe Blasco

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Teachers Luis Felipe Blasco
Teachers Placeholder 4

Luis Felipe Blasco

Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking


Video game. TV. Advertising. Script. Dramaturgy


Master in Creativity and Television Script by Globomedia / Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC)
Degree in Hispanic Philology from the University of Granada

Career path

He works in different fields, from the video game sector to television and advertising.

In the field of videogames, he has worked as a scriptwriter and designer on several projects, such as Planet 51 (Pyro Studios), Meatball Marathon (Indigo) or youturbo (He You Games).

He has taught classes on video game writing and narrative design in the Globomedia Script Master, the U-tad Game Design Master, the Video Game Development Master at the University of Alicante and in the regular script course at the School of Cinema of Santiago de los Baños, Cuba.

Likewise, he has given numerous courses and talks in different centers and institutions.

Subjects and workshops

theme capsules

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