Teachers Alejandro H. Madrid

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Teachers Alejandro H. Madrid
Teachers Placeholder 4

Alejandro H. Madrid

Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking Filmmaking




Master in Photography Direction from the Higher School of Cinema and Audiovisuals of Catalonia (ESCAC)
Degree in Social Communication from the Andrés Bello Catholic University of Venezuela (UCAB)

Career path

He has worked as a camera technician with national and international directors such as Wally Pfister, Roman Vasayov, Roman M de Bujo, Kiko de la Rica, Christos Voudouris, Kasper Tuxen, Alejandro Amenábar and Andrew Dominik, among others, which allowed him to learn different styles. and different techniques.

He is a cinematographer who works especially with high-speed cinematography, tabletop and commercials, which has allowed him to specialize and travel to different European, Asian and African markets and countries.

He is currently working on the post-production of two feature films: a documentary directed by Adolfo Bueno and a fiction feature by Xavier Mirralles.

Subjects and workshops

Advertising Photography Workshop

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