Lucia Gastaminza
Lucia Gastaminza
Scholarship TAI Photo V
Master in Artistic and Documentary Photography
Born in Argentina, Spanish on the father's side and Italian on the mother's side. At the beginning of 2006, she moved to the city of Córdoba to start her architecture studies at the National University. She always remained intuitively close to photography, but it is here that she began to be more present, initially as a tool for record. After graduating as an Architect, she began a series of courses at the La Lumiére Film and Photography School, which she later complemented with other workshops such as studio lighting and authorial creative photography. In 2014 she began the personal project P365, as a search and experimentation process in order to continue learning in a self-taught way, with publications of some works in international pages and online magazines. In 2015 she participates in the making of the independent short film "The Uncertainty Principle" as Director of Photography. She exhibited along with other photographers in the show «Witness Landscapes» after being selected in an open call made by the FotoGalería-UNC, under the tutelage and curatorship of the photographer Susana Pérez. She made her first solo show with a selection of photographs belonging to the "Project 365" after being summoned by the Graciela Carena Cultural Center in Córdoba. In 2018 she travels through Europe and arrives in Norway where she lives in a small town for a few months. She currently continues to develop personal photographic projects currently in the city of Madrid (Spain).