Master's Degree in Screen Acting

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Master's Degree in Screen Acting

Map of studies
Master's Degree in Screen Acting

  • ECTS – European Credit Transfer System
  • OB – Mandatory
  • FB – Basic training
  • FBC – Common basic training
  • FBR – Basic Branch Training
  • PE – External internships
  • RAC – Academic recognition of credits
  • TFG – Final degree project


Vocal tools applied to screen acting

Awareness of the importance of the voice as a basic tool for acting in film and television. Study of the vocal technique and the elements that interfere with its masterand. The relationship between text and vocal resources.

Physical tools applied to screen acting

Theoretical and practical investigation of the body as a tool for acting. Exercises and dynamics for the correction of postural habits and body alignment. Analysis of the relationship between the actor's body and the physical space. Interaction work between physical, mental and emotional spaces for bodily expression.

Advanced training

Perfecting of audiovisual performance skills. Knowledge and understanding of audiovisual and cinematographic genres as an instrument for acting in front of the camera. Study and development of stereotyped characters and the possibilities of verisimilitude. Development of personal instruments for the growth and improvement of professional skills.

Screen acting techniques

Strengthening and enriching the student's capacities for the creation, analysis and recording of characters. Implementation of self-development capacities for the evolution of the actor and his/her de ella work de ella in front of the camera. Project on complex elements related to audiovisual performance (silences, acting time, cinematographic text, etc.).

Milestones of screen acting

Development and enrichment of skills for the critical analysis of the acting practice and skills of the actor/actress. Theoretical and practical study of different types of acting based on performance experiences throughout history, context examination and comparative analysis.

Audiovisual and cinematographic research

Theoretical and experimental investigation of audiovisual and cinematographic media. Training activities aimed at learning about and identifying genres, formats and parameters related to audiovisual production (film and television direction, audiovisual performances, stereoscopic projections, etc.).

Idea creation and development lab

Platform and space for research and creation based on collaborative experiences. Familiarization with work dynamics and tools, research, and creation for the development of personal projects: from the idea to the audiovisual market.

personal branding

Study of the communicative approach of social networks and their use as a platform for brand creation and projection. Tools for branding analysis. Brand building strategies based on the media and the buying and selling elements. Importance of personal branding and its impact on representation agencies.

Research methodology

Study and further exploration of contemporary research models and methods in the arts and humanities. Development from theory, research and artistic practice based on texts on cultural production and research.

Master's dissertation

Design, production, and execution of an original project related to the theoretical or theoretical-practical context of acting, depending on the academic/professional interests of the student and the coordination of capstone projects.

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