Writing as visual art

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Writing as visual art


Writing as visual art




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  • 31/05/2023


16:00 - 19:00


TAI campus See map
writing as visual art


Is writing a visual art?

In this seminar we ask ourselves why art schools do not contemplate writing as a creative work, as an artistic discipline from its visual specificity.

To defend this position, authors from various disciplines who connect with their media through the written word will reflect on what writing is as visual art, offering us options ranging from its relationship with the film script, photography, sculpture, performance and above all in the visual and spatial use of the written text, which combines the use of both hemispheres, that of language and the visual, the analytical and the one that contemplates words as a visual unit.

With this seminar we want to put this problem on the table, exploring its most creative limits, and propose its systemic inclusion in Art schools.

Coordination – Principal Investigator

Dr. Lola Martínez


Laura Bermejo, screenwriter TAI
Dr. Guillermo G Peydró, filmmaker and programmer – TAI
Dr. Efipraxia Giannopulu, independent researcher and former faculty of Fine Arts in
Ioannina (Greece)
Dr. Lola Martínez, researcher TAI in Visual Arts
Jeanne de Petriconi, sculptor
Joaquín Elías Gómez, student TAI Master in Film and TV Series Script


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Institutions that Organize

University School of Arts TAI | Group: GIAT (Artistic Research Group TAI)

University School of Arts TAI

Group: GIAT (Artistic Research Group TAI)

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