Blog Alumni Art grows: “New Acquaintances” opens its season at the Usina

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Blog Alumni Art grows: “New Acquaintances” opens its season at the Usina

Art grows: “New Acquaintances” opens its season at the Usina

June 1, 2023
new acquaintances

New Acquaintances, a testimonial about migrant actors and actresses in Madrid, will be in season every Saturday in June

Created in the artist residencies de TAI, new acquaintances is a testimonial play Created by Monica Ross, Ana María Mutis, Sebastián Rad, Mar Torrelles Giner and director Alejandro Guzmán.

Is the story of many artists and migrants who come together in a country that does not belong to them, but that houses their dreams and illusions. It is a geographical journey that is also a professional and personal journey an opportunity to meet others like us, and to get to know ourselves better.

new acquaintances it creates a space to show and value the differences found in a shared place and which, in this story, are part of the drama of the characters. The shared place is Madrid, the city of everyone and nobody at the same time, in
where, having geographical barriers, differences find bridges, which makes us realize that we have more in common than we think.

After completing an artistic residency and participating in two festivals, new acquaintances it will be in season in Madrid, the city to which it alludes. The actions will be Saturdays June 3, 10, 17 and 24 at 22:00 p.m. in the La Usina Room, Located at 4 Palos de la Frontera street.

The entries are for sale on the platforms Catch, entrance y Eventbrite.

This is a project developed with the support of the Artistic Residency program of the University School of Arts TAI and has the collaboration of the production company Popurrí.

new acquaintances

Synopsis of new acquaintances

Four new acquaintances meet in a strange city. Each one carries a backpack and has left a world behind, a world that seems to be frozen, but that may be moving faster than it seems. What do they leave behind? What do they choose to wear? What new commitments do they assume?

A traveler, a girlfriend, a national foreigner, an only daughter, a child-lord, one who does not trust, one who feels guilty, one who knows she will return, one who does not know if she will stay, one who will. Four actors, four stories, but many at the same time.

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