Blog «Never give up»: the interdisciplinary project of Laia Santos

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Blog «Never give up»: the interdisciplinary project of Laia Santos

«Never give up»: the interdisciplinary project of Laia Santos

April 12

Student TAI and artist Laia Santos, from the Degree in Performing Arts and Audiovisual Interpretation, presents her interdisciplinary musical project titled "Never give up."

Esther Santolaya (known artistically as Laia Santos) is studying in the third year of Bachelor's Degree in Performing Arts and Screen Acting (In Spanish) de TAI, where he has found his place to promote his musical project with the release of his first single "Never give up".

Accompanied by students from different artistic disciplines, one of the objectives of this project is create an interdisciplinary space where the students of TAI They find the opportunity to test their skills, gain experience and enrich your portfolio. 

More than 50 students TAI from areas like Performing Arts, Filmmaking, post-production, Visual Arts y Music and Sound They have contributed with their talent and creativity. In TAI, the idea is promoted that The key to success lies not in waiting for things to happen, but in making them happen.

En TAI You find people who have the same artistic concerns as you and the same desire to work with whom you can carry out your projects.

Inspired by the musical influences of the 2000s, "Never Give Up" stands as an anthem to perseverance, which comes in various forms: a video clip with the original song, another video clip showing an acoustic version of the song, and a making of which includes interviews with project participants.

At the University School of Arts TAI, interdisciplinary projects are an integral part of the educational experience.

By working together, students can expand your creative skills, learn from different perspectives and develop innovative projects, exploring new forms of artistic expression and experimentation with different techniques and media.

This collaboration encourages teamwork, effective communication, and knowledge sharing among students. An excellent way for them to expand their artistic horizons and develop skills of great value for their professional future.

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