Blog Talent «Identity», international artistic project that unites NY and Madrid

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Blog Talent «Identity», international artistic project that unites NY and Madrid

«Identity», international artistic project that unites NY and Madrid

March 28th, 2023

Montclair University comes to TAI to share your art in the workshop identity, an international artistic project in Performing Arts

A close collaboration between the University School of Arts TAI y Montclair State University allowed the launch of Identity, an international artistic project of improvisation in Performing Arts in which a unique academic, cultural and social experience is lived.

One of the main objectives of TAI is to connect art from all parts of the world. For this, the School carries out international projects for the different artistic disciplines, which allow students to develop creative projects. TAI with students from other countries and universities. Unique experiences and opportunities at all levels, academic, cultural and social, in this case with a Montclair State University of New York.

From various sessions of acting Workshops, students and teachers from both the School TAI Like Montclair, they worked on exercises that guided actors and actresses through various expressive forms (body, touch, sound, language) to explore characters and literary texts centered on the theme of identity. This work culminated in a work in progress exhibition open to the public.

Sessions were led by Debbie Saivetz and Heather Benton from Montclair University, and Athenea Mata, Director of Performing Arts Area de TAI. The creation of the sample was a group creative process between students from both institutions.

La University School of Arts TAI and Montclair State University of New York created this artistic opportunity through a collaboration that included a masterclass on performative improvisation techniques, three workshop sessions with exercises that guided actors and actresses through various expressive forms (body, touch, sound, language) to explore characters and literary texts centered on the theme of identity; and various leisure activities to enjoy the art that floods Madrid.

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