Enky García, a student in the area of Performing Arts, publishes her first book: keep my secret
Enki García She is a Cordovan artist passionate about music and writing. Since she was little, she has been trained in piano and singing. In addition, she tells how she always spent hours in front of her desk creating all kinds of stories.
He studied at the Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático de Córdoba to later move to Madrid and begin the Master's Degree in Screen Acting at the University School of Arts TAI.
Keep the secret for me, her first book, part of his reflections linked to social theater. After talking with her about her formative and creative experience, he offers some advice for the Community TAI:
“Each project you have in mind is very interesting. Never lose hope that, at any moment, you will find the opportunity to find a place for it to carry it out. With struggle, perseverance and a positive mind, everything comes."
The writing experience keep my secret
How did you come to write this book as an actress? What relationship does it have?
Writing is something that has been in me since I was little. When the outline of a story occurred to me, I began to write it, to create characters and situations. That is why studying dramatic art has helped me, in addition to learning interpretation techniques, to further develop that creative part at the writing level.
This book, in particular, is totally related to my acting facet, since it is a play where the monologue prevails, so the reader can easily follow the thread of the plot and meet a character as peculiar as Emma is.
How was the creative process for this book?
All this arose as a result of my Final Degree Project. keep my secret It was born from that intense research process, from hours looking for information that, most of the time, I found incomplete and even empty, since the plot revolves around a taboo topic.
What do you feel is the most important thing when writing a book?
It is important that you have the need to want to convey something, a specific message. I feel that this is the basis and the motivation to start a story. The rest comes alone, it is time to imagine and create a movie in your head that you will later reflect on paper, always keeping in mind that each reader will make their own version of it.
That is the most special part for me, because, in some way, you give readers tools to develop their creativity and imagination. This is what all the arts have in common, from my point of view.
keep my secret plot summary
After a work trip, Emma is tempted to unleash her darker side. She now finds herself trapped between four walls, in a cell, isolated from a society that rejects her while she is immersed in a ruthless world for which she feels a desire that she neither knows nor has been able to control.