Blog Music How to enter the music industry?

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Blog Music How to enter the music industry?

How to enter the music industry?

November 16, 2021

The music industry is experiencing one of the most important revolutions in recent decades with the development of new means of production, broadcast channels and publishing formats.

Since the XNUMXth century, when it began to be taught in conservatories, music has a long university tradition in our country. However, music education in Spain generally responds to two organizational models: the integration of higher music centers in the university, or their location in their own area, outside the university framework. Faced with this panorama, the University School of Arts TAI proposed in 2010. the creation of a Degree in Contemporary Music Composition, a pioneering initiative in Spain that inaugurated the restoration of artistic musical studies in the university framework.

Based on models such as the Bachelor of Music of conservatories and music colleges in the US and UK, the current Bachelor's Degree in Musical Composition TAI It is a university alternative to higher education in conservatories. At the same time, the Diploma in Music Creation and Production, with an academic format of 120 ECTS (2 years), offers intensive and practical preparation in musical technical resources in order to enhance the creative abilities of each student and achieve their own musical project of the highest possible quality.

En TAI we know that entering the music industry requires much more than a theoretical and technical background. For this reason, we use a eminently practical methodology where the central axis of learning is the projects, always tutored by specialist teachers and linked to various artistic disciplines. The method TAI guarantees a direct connection with the industry through practical, collaborative and interdisciplinary training.

The music industry, a sector in constant transformation

Musical creation is changing rapidly in the internet economic scenario and new technologies.. In fact, defining what the music industry is can be difficult, since it represents an intangible or immaterial cultural asset. It includes all those types of music (popular, scholarly, sacred, rural and urban, etc.) that are manifested through singing, musical instruments or dance, affected by a deeply dynamic and changing process of cultural reproduction.

To the professions traditionally related to higher musical studies such as teaching or interpretation, other job opportunities are added in this new context such as "composer of soundtracks" or "specialist in background music for films or film shows, theater, TV or other media". Thus, the musical creators and creators of the XNUMXst century have a more career opportunities thanks to the diversification of the compositions.

Work is no longer done just creating concert music, but there is also a huge variety of popular music that enjoys deep roots among the public and that are part of the recording industry. Even more innovative is the professional version of the composition for audiovisual and stage media. All products of this type, increasingly diverse, require composers/composers specifically prepared for the new demands of the music industry.

The success of our students in the Music Area

Many of the artists who have been trained in the music degrees of the University School of Arts TAI have launched their career paths with great success in the music industry.

Among them, Adrian Crespo, graduated in Composition of Contemporary Music in TAI, winner of prestigious competitions and awards such as the Werkbijdrage Muziekauteur (Fonds Podiumkunsten), the New Composers Pitch (Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands) or the Call for Scores (Utrecht, The Netherlands), will be participating in the 2021 edition of Flamenco Biënnale, which is held in the Netherlands and Belgium and brings together leading international flamenco artists. 

On the other hand, the singer from Almeria Lia, graduated in Musical Creation and Production in TAI, has recently released his musical project I disappear, his first EP, now available on all digital platforms, which has had the participation of Carlos René, producer of artists such as La Bien Querida, Natalia Lacunza or Ganges. 

In addition, the Carolina Durante group, of which the alumni TAI Martín Vallhonrat as a bassist, begins a tour of several cities in Spain. One of his latest releases has been The plant that dies in the corner, the new song from the band's second album, which will be released in early 2022.

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