Blog Celebrate diversity with VERSE

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Blog Celebrate diversity with VERSE

Celebrate diversity with VERSE

January 3, 2023

The University School of Arts TAI is a great community that respects and promotes inclusion, diversity, and the free expression of all identities. 

Students, teachers and staff are the visible face of the institution's sexual, sociocultural, functional and linguistic plurality.

VERSE, space for diversity

This is how the VERSE spot was born, the Community for equality and diversity created by undergraduate, graduate and master of the University School of Arts TAI during the 2021/22 academic year. 

“We have tried to play with identity and the representation of repression to convey the feeling of liberation and happiness that comes from being able to make diversity visible and celebrate at our university”.

VERSE is a safe space open to all students who organize talks and meetings where any student can go to listen or share experiences and seek support for any type of problem related to issues of sex-gender, equality and diversity. 

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Support of artistic projects on LGTBIQ+ diversity 

The diversity of the Community's students TAI It is in turn reflected in the artistic work and audiovisual and stage production, where the LGTBIQ+ theme, the fight for gender equality or the denunciation of any discrimination are repeated in the work of our students every year. .

A very topical short film is Christian, directed by the alumni of the Master in Film and Series Direction Adán Pichardo, who has just won the award for best LGTBI short film in the latest edition of the Alicante Film Festival. 

In the selection of scenes and works of the study plans of the Performing Arts Area, both LGTBI+ themes and gender issues abound. Such is the case of the two final samples of the 4th year of the Degree in Performing Arts and Audiovisual Interpretation; L(isistratus), adapted and directed by teachers Sonia Gómez and Víctor Velásco and The age of anger, written by Nando López and directed by Juan Ollero, also a teacher at the center.

Within the area of ​​the Faculty of Visual Arts, a few days ago the VIII Scholarship #TAIPhoto to Emma Marty for a photographic series that combines aesthetics and demands in her work with the body and gender. In the same vein, the we now festival exhibited photographs by Esther Tijerín and Carlos Cano and premiered Lacerations before and after opening the eyes of the student of the Degree in Fine Arts Juan Donado, an interdisciplinary piece about intersex.

Student Attention and Care Unit

In his pioneer commitment to educational excellence, the Department of Support and Care of TAI offers accompaniment, listening, guidance and psychological support to any student at the center, especially with regard to functional diversity, specific needs and personal problems.

In its search for full inclusion and equal opportunities, it provides primary care, follow-up and, if requested, referral to specialists, in addition to designing specific methodological adaptations for students with special educational needs and family reconciliation measures.

Guarantees respect and positive relationships and encourages awareness of the entire community TAI before the different types of diversity.

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Anti-harassment protocol

The School TAI has an Action Protocol against Harassment in the workplace and academic sphere which, together with other instruments and strategies, has been designed for the prevention and eradication of any type of harassment or harassment at work, discriminatory, sexual, based on sex or based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

The Student Attention and Care Unit and VERSE are in charge of receiving possible complaints and/or allegations of harassment within the institution, with the psychology and psychopedagogy service being in charge of dealing with these cases privately, specifically and completely. confidential.

Inclusive language guide

There is a fundamental responsibility when it comes to listening and including the demands so that all the people who make up the institution feel integrated and included. 

We have a Guide for an inclusive use of language which promotes inclusive language in all administrative and academic documents and includes recommendations for teachers to ask questions and be receptive to how students want to be called from the first day of class.

In response to the request for non-binary and/or gender fluid/neutral students, the facilities of TAI They have inclusive bathrooms where there is no segregation by sex and/or gender. The school launched this initiative in 2020, providing bathrooms with the appropriate signage and agreed with non-binary groups, being one of the pioneering institutions in this field in Europe.

Masterclasses and meetings

Every year the community TAI It is visited by various artists and professionals who value the transformative power of the arts in society. 

Some of these talks are specifically aimed at promoting LGTBIQ+ diversity and the free expression of different identities, such as the one led by Darko Decimavilla (trans activist, president of the No Binaries Spain Association) and Jorge Gonzalo (queer activist and president and CEO of the Observatory of Diversity in the Audiovisual Media). Issues such as sex-gender representations in the audiovisual media and the importance of diversity and identity intersections are discussed.

In another meeting, we spoke with Daniela Santiago (star of the Veneno series) about the visibility and representation of the LGTBIQ+ collective in the audiovisual, sharing her personal experiences and progress in terms of diversity.

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