We channel your creative energy
Arte & Creación produces, distributes and disseminates the artistic projects of the students and creates spaces for interdisciplinary experimentation and creative development.
Art & Creation
Art & Creation is a place for collective reflection and research, detached from academic content and focused on the support and enrichment of student and alumni projects so that they meet quality and professionalism requirements and add value. to the industry and promote employability and entrepreneurship.
We channel the creative energy of the artists of TAI to generate projects that create trends in the art world through experimentation and the discovery of personal talent.
We provide creators with the tools they need to develop their own voice and connect them with the industry, fostering their professional development. We stimulate artistic production by offering technical, spatial and creative resources, and by promoting new discourses and approaches in the cultural and audiovisual scene.
Creative laboratories
The Creative Laboratories are back, workshops focused on interdisciplinary artistic practice
The Creative Labs are inspired by the approach of international art schools such as Parsons, the Art Institute of Chicago, FHNW (Basel) or Goldsmiths. They are designed as spaces for the enrichment of students through the exploration of new lines of artistic creation.
The Labs are led by hosts: specialists in each artistic area and teachers TAI who create the work group and guide it on that path of creative exploration.
A unique opportunity to develop your talent in a multidisciplinary, non-academic environment guided by active artists.
To students and alumni (up to one year after completing their studies at the School) of any discipline, to teachers and members of the community TAI.
Participating artists will expand their creative skills and experiment with new formats and media, generating ideas that they will put into practice in the workshops.
Attendance at all sessions of a Laboratory will be compensated with 2 RACS. In addition, if after finishing your project you are selected, you will be compensated with 1 additional RAC.
Which laboratories are being offered this academic year 2024/2025?
This year you will be able to participate in two Laboratories:
Third edition of the Laboratory directed by Leyson Ponce where audiovisual or dramatized “urban micro-stories” are investigated. The objective is to create an audiovisual or staged discourse through actions where the body, gesture and expression intervene in the urban context.
Directed by Silvia Cuenca, Gravity 0 is a Laboratory that seeks proposals for plastic intervention in the architecture of the University School of Arts TAIThe objective is to think about space from an artistic practice, working with the building to intervene through significant creative proposals.
If you have any questions, write to arte.creacion@taiarts.com
Ad Hoc Laboratories
Ad Hoc Laboratories
The new Ad Hoc Laboratories are designed for the development and execution of specific projects, linked to the exhibition and distribution of works. They will be called throughout the year according to the artistic opportunities that are generated in TAI.
Attendance at all sessions will be compensated with 1 RAC.
If you have any questions write to arte.creacion@taiarts.com

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