News Ediciones Posibles publishes “Cartographie Éphémère”, the photographic work of the alumni TAI Mendia Echeverria

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News Ediciones Posibles publishes “Cartographie Éphémère”, the photographic work of the alumni TAI Mendia Echeverria

Ediciones Posibles publishes “Cartographie Éphémère”, the photographic work of the alumni TAI Mendia Echeverria

October 7, 2021

The photographer Mendia Echeverria, former student of the University School TAI, continues to surprise with the takeoff of his professional career. The alumni TAI, graduated in Photography, who also made the master en Fine Art Photography and Contemporary Narratives of the School, has seen part of his work published in Cartographie Éphémere, a book published by Possible Editions.

On this occasion, Mendia has chosen the Bois de Vincennes in Paris, as a setting for his photographic work. “I wanted to work in a green space within a city. My work has always revolved around the concepts of memory and traces, and this place became the perfect space to record new traces”he has argued.

“My work has always revolved around the concepts of memory and trace”


Cartographie Éphémere


After receiving a Scholarship in Formarte, the Navarrese photographer moves to Paris to continue nurturing her artistic territory. A year later, when she obtained aid for the production from the Huarte Center and present his work at the Reveal—t festival, This is when the meeting with Ediciones Posibles, the publisher of the book that he recently published, takes place.

The encounter with this publishing house has made the career of the alumni TAI grow remarkably, since his work has not been limited to the presentation of his photographs.

“Being able to count on Possible Editions for this book has been fantastic. They have made the process easier for me, since it was an unknown world for me. With his advice and with the design of Underbau little by little we were choosing papers, the cover and the final design”, has added.


En Cartographie Éphémere, a series of photographs are presented that portray, with an authentic and profound look, the Bois de Vincennes y Le Grand Rocher, located inside the forest. “A 65-meter-high artificial and hollow rock, which was created in 1934, and which dialogue until they find themselves in the same physical space, whose objective is to establish a visual reflection that shows how the passage of time can build an ephemeral cartography, of alterable character, since nature is, per se, changeable”. Mendia explained.

Regarding the objective of documenting these spaces, the photographer points out that the result is “A heterogeneous but continuous portrait of the forest, which at the same time includes a multi-layered introspection of its memory”.


Le Grand Rocher, Mendia Echeverria


“I think that today having a good training base is essential when it comes to going abroad. I built that base on TAI, with my career in photography and my master", has commented the artist, whose trajectory after TAI has developed abroad.

“I believe that my training and the support received from the teachers have been essential for my development as an artist”, has added.

“Today, having a good training base is essential when it comes to going abroad. I built that base on TAI"


Bois de Vincennes, Mendia Echeverria

a new talent TAI who sees his work recognized, this time, published in a work that can be purchased on the website of the publisher itself.

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